Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What Are We Missing?

The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change--until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds...R.D.Laing

This opening quote is from a newsletter that I get monthly and while reading its contents it really stood out to me, like a beacon almost. After reading it a few times, I got this almost sick feeling in my stomach. Do you have any clue how much we are missing?

I do not mean missing in things that we did not do necessarily. I mean missing in just observation alone. What we do not see, we cannot experience or take advantage of. The greatest opportunity of our very lives might be happening at any time and we just might miss it because we were not paying attention.

Yesterday I brought up ROAK Tuesday. You know, say "Hello" to everyone at very least. While that is a great thing there is an added bonus to this. When you say hello, sometimes is starts a conversation that can go anywhere. You never know who you are talking to. I have had some of the best conversations and found out some great info just by talking with strangers.

I guess that is what the whole quote equates to, we are missing things, a lot of things and we don't know better. Well folks this is our wake up call! Let's open up and participate and see what it is all about!

Today is also the birthday of Barry Manilow who is 66. We all know him and love him! So here is my clip for today and oh so appropriate "Day Break"

Join me and let's not miss another thing!

Have a great day!

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