Monday, June 29, 2009

The Doctor replies "Well, then don't do that!"

So this woman walks in to the doctor's office and says "Doctor. It hurts when I do this..."

So my topic on the mind at this moment is why we keep repeating our mis-steps? We know that an action or words said are going to end up right back at us and still we insist on doing it anyways.

And I think the worse is even when we believe we are totally justified in our actions we go ahead and perform the faux pas knowing full well it will turn out badly.

It's our ego you know. I thought I knew a lot about my "friend" Matilda (that is what I call my ego), after all she is part of me, but when she gets awakened in the wrong manner, well I guess that she is uncontrollable.

The upside (using this tongue in cheek) to this is Matilda is in good company. In fact when she encounters more of her ego friends, well their stuff mingles with her stuff and it is a negativity fest to end all negativity fests.

So now my biggest challenge is to remember what an awoken Matilda is like and what she can set off without really trying. I am sure this goes the same for so many people. Matilda is in really good company.

So I am taking this online course called ILD---Intelligent Life Design. I am trying to learn all the tools necessary to put Matilda to sleep, a restful one where she doesn't need to be up for a long, long time. Anyway the first week of the course we are supposed to avoid all news from typical resources, online websites, newspapers, TV and so far I have not been real successful, but I am still trying.

The developer of the course JB Glossinger from Morning Coach has a good point about controlling the ego by picking and choosing our battles, be assertive to make our point when necessary and then leaving it be. We don't have to be right or accepted, we have spoken our point and that is all that needs to be done.

I guess the next time Matilda rears her stubborn, opinionated head, I will have to remind her the punchline of the joke..

the Doctor replies "Well, don't do that!"

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ahhh.. The Sweet Sound of Success

Good Morning Friends!

I am here to report first hand on the success of this years recital week!

Our daughter Jacki has been dancing since she was 2 1/2. When her first recital arrived at the prime age of 3, she and her group of dancing cohorts dazzled us with a ballet rendition of "I'm A Little Teapot".

Through the years we have seen a tap number, a few ballet numbers and some jazz as well. About three years ago, we had decided that she had outgrown the typical park district one dance a year program and she was ready for something more. The we found the exciting world of competitive dance teams and Stacie the teacher.

Her first season under Stacie, Jacki competed in one dance and took lesson for two so in the recital she was in three dances. The second year, three competition dances, three lessons dances, six in the recital.

This year was the big daddy so far. This season she competed in 5 dances, had 6 lesson dances and filled in for one where a girl was unable to attend the recital for a whopping 12 dances in the recital!

Now aside from Jacki, dancing flirts with our other family members as well. Joey took jazz/tap when he was 5 and appeared in his first recital, the only boy in the group to a tap rendition of one of the popular 60's dance songs that I cannot think of right now. The lights scared him so we put him in some cool shades. He was the only boy in the recital that year and if I must say he, like my other children are just adorable! When the song started and he started to move, he was the hit of the show!

This year we had another family member bitten by the dancing bug. For the recital there was a "Dad's Dance". And my husband the brave soul he is agreed to participate. There were practices both at the studio and with Jacki, but the details of the dance and even the music were top secret. Ohhh.

The music was a mix of "Catwalk, I'm Too Sexy" and "Sexy Back" and the guys did all these moves and stripped off their shirts to reveal t-shirts that were air brushed with muscles on them. They were so good.

For the rest of the recital, I loved watching all the dances and the 12 that Jacki were in was superb! Her ballet dance featured the debut of dancing en pointe which is something that she has just learned this season and has taken to very well!

So after all the weeks of practicing, Thursday night pictures, Friday night full dress rehearsal and finally the recital yesterday, I can declare that this household is pooped, but well satisfied with the family's accomplishments!

So typical with anything in one breath we are glowing about the wonderful season and in the next we are planning for the next year. Jacki will be competing in 7 dances this next season, so that will mean 13 in the recital, Joey has decided to give hip-hop a whirl, Jonathan we are trying to convince that dance would be cool (he always dances at home) and Jim, well he is the remarkable story out of this years recital. He and his fellow dancers loved it so much, they have asked Stacie to organize an every other week men's dance so that they can practice during the whole year!

So that is the wrap of this year's season. We have two weeks off, 8 weeks of summer support classes and in late July the competition team starts it all starts again! It is funny, given Jim's background, we always thought we would be just a car family, but it seems that dance is a permanent resident in our household!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sticks and Stones...

I was thinking about name calling today. You know what we say about people, something derogatory that we say behind someone's back. Sometimes we even say it to their face.

Anyway as a general rule we feel that it really harms no one if we call the driver that just cut us off in traffic a jerk or the clerk is having register problems an idiot once we leave the store. Again, they cannot hear us so no harm no foul right?

And what we call people is a big one as well. It might be jerk, idiot, stupid and hundreds of other terms, some more salty than the others. But they cannot hear it so what does it matter?

The reality is that it does matter. A lot. For one reason is while we are venting our displeasure with that individual, we are not only allowing our ego to make itself superior ("I am a much better driver than that jerk!") but the negative energy that we are spewing into the Universe is accumulating. In you, around you. And suddenly everything just blows up because our ego is so fed with this verbal venom, that everything is tainted.

The other reason we should not call names is it really does hurt people, because it gets back to them somehow.

What made me think of this is I was watching a Michael Jackson interview with Diane Sawyer. He was mentioning being called "Whacko Jacko" and how much it hurt. He asked Diane Sawyer if she wanted to be called whacko?

When we were kids we all had someone that called us a name or said something mean to us. We were upset and any good mother told their child this, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." And in theory that may be true, because if we are confident and have great self-esteem, anyone can say anything about you and it would bounce off the shield that you have. But the fact of the matter is there are sometimes weak spots in our armor or we might call a name back just to one up the person. It is just negative energy perpetuating itself.

So when we run into a situation that we are displeased with we have to let it go. Seriously. It doesn't matter. It can't. There is so much more to be accomplished with moving on from things. If it is a situation that you can address, just do that address it. Say I am unhappy and tell why and let it go. If you are in a situation where you cannot address it that is an even bigger reason to JUST LET IT GO! In the end it hurts you more than the recipient of the momentary anger.

Life is too short my friends, life is too short!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Things I Am Grateful For..

I am grateful that I awoke this morning with the fresh possibility of what life will bring.
I am grateful that I have a family that loves me regardless.
I am grateful that I have a family to love.
I am grateful for the man who is my husband, my mate, my friend.
I am grateful for my beautiful children and all they are as individuals.
I am grateful that there is a roof over our heads and food on our table.
I am grateful that the sun rose this morning and it will set this evening and it will do so tomorrow.
I am grateful that whatever the situation I can pray and that prayer comforts me.
I am grateful that when I pray for others, that it makes a difference.
I am grateful for everything I experience as they are all lessons to learn.
I am grateful that this is my time to be alive, right here, right now.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Woman Lived Dream

Today while I was reading my local paper online (yes I am part of the demise of the real print newspaper) there was the headline "Schaumburg Woman Lived Dream of Teaching Special ED". The story was about Miss Lindsay Gillilan 28, who passed away suddenly Sunday. The story tells of her love of her students and teaching and how she aspired to be a teacher, especially in special education since she was young. That was the position she held, a Special Ed teacher in the Lake Zurich school system.

My initial reaction was sadness. I am sad for Miss Gillilan's loved ones, her fellow teachers and her students. I am sad for all of us actually that the world lost someone who really got what life was about!

Special ED Teachers, well all teachers actually are worth their weight in gold. And there is a special place in heaven for the Special Ed teacher. They have this unique ability to go above and beyond. I know that my son prospers today and it is mainly due to all the nurturing and encouragement that he has received from all the special ed staff in our school district.

Aside from the occupation that she picked, the very fact at age 28 she was doing everything that she wanted to be doing in her life should be an example for the rest of us.

Go for it. Do what you love. Life is too short!

There is a theory that when you are feeling lost one should write what they would want their obit to say. I am sure that in essence we all would write that we lived our dreams, whatever they might be.

The reality is are we? Are we doing what we should be doing to fulfill that prophecy? If not, why not? Even the biggest of dreams have the smallest of steps to them. Have we taken those steps?

This is a lot to contemplate but something we all should do. It is our destiny to live and it is our destiny to die. Those are the rules. How we fill in the details is our decision.

Thank you Miss Lindsay Gillilan for showing us how to live. May you rest in peace.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

Today we give a birthday shout out to the late Guy Lombardo who would have been 107 today.

We all know that he was THE bandleader. His orchestra, the Royal Canadians, which was made up of his three brothers and other neighborhood fellas, were world renowned. According to them their music was "The sweetest music this side of Heaven."

I thought it was interesting to find out that Guy was also a hydroplane racer and he won the Gold cup in 1946. He also owned a restaurant in Freeport, Long Island, New york.

Most notably Guy Lombardo was the man who brought "Auld Lang Syne" to New Year's.

Up until very recently I thought that it was "Old Anxie" (like anxiety) and we were singing to wish all the stress of the old year away. Well, I really didn't sing the whole song, just about 7 words and I hummed the rest, very enthusiastically I might add, because who wouldn't want the stuff from the previous year to be gone?

It is sort of interesting to find out the origin of that song is a poem written by Robert Burns in 1788, that was eventually put to music. Auld lang syne can be translated to "old times" or "once upon time". So when we sing "Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?" we are asking should we forget the old times? And of course not because the chorus reminds us "For auld lang syne my dear, for auld lang syne. We'll take the cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne." Meaning why forget the old things when they are still such sweet memories?

So there you have it let's remember the sweet things, cherish them and still go one living!

And since a birthday shout out wouldn't be quite right without a video is Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians with Auld Lang Syne..

Happy Birthday Mr. Lombardo! Thanks for many great memories!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Silly Love Songs

Good Day Everyone!

I hope that everyone is not missing a thing!

Today we are heading straight to our birthday shout out...Sir Paul McCartney who is 67 today.

We all know and love him, I do not think that there is much more I could write about him than that. He is another one who's music is part of the soundtrack of our lives. From Beatles to Wings to his solo career I am willing to bet that everyone has a fond memory somehwere in their minds that includes the touch of Sir Paul.

So while picking out today's clip it was so hard to choose. Do I go with "Jet" or "Band on the Run"? "Maybe I'm Amazed" or even "Live and Let Die." So many choices. But in the end I had to go with "Silly Love Songs". It came out the summer between 5th and 6th grade when I used to go to the YMCA with friends swim and hang out and there was a boy that I had a crush on (though sorry cannot remember his name) and this song was playing the first time I saw him. be so young and impressionable again! lol BTW There is never going to be enough silly love songs and that's okay!

Happy Birthday Sir Paul! Wishing you many more years of filling our lives with song!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What Are We Missing?

The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change--until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds...R.D.Laing

This opening quote is from a newsletter that I get monthly and while reading its contents it really stood out to me, like a beacon almost. After reading it a few times, I got this almost sick feeling in my stomach. Do you have any clue how much we are missing?

I do not mean missing in things that we did not do necessarily. I mean missing in just observation alone. What we do not see, we cannot experience or take advantage of. The greatest opportunity of our very lives might be happening at any time and we just might miss it because we were not paying attention.

Yesterday I brought up ROAK Tuesday. You know, say "Hello" to everyone at very least. While that is a great thing there is an added bonus to this. When you say hello, sometimes is starts a conversation that can go anywhere. You never know who you are talking to. I have had some of the best conversations and found out some great info just by talking with strangers.

I guess that is what the whole quote equates to, we are missing things, a lot of things and we don't know better. Well folks this is our wake up call! Let's open up and participate and see what it is all about!

Today is also the birthday of Barry Manilow who is 66. We all know him and love him! So here is my clip for today and oh so appropriate "Day Break"

Join me and let's not miss another thing!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Whole Lotta Tuesday!!!

Hey Everyone!

Today is a Tuesday and it is a big one!!!

First let's talk about ROAK Tuesday. Sadly last week, I did not post about it, but I hope everyone remembered.

ROAK, a Random Act Of Kindness is just something you do for someone else. Doesn't have to cost you anything, a simple "Hello" to a stranger, it is that easy. The outcome is wonderful! It makes their day. You feel good about it. And soon enough you are getting ROAKs yourself!

This morning on Twitter, a tweet pal of mine @DeniseHammock tweeted about her website ReikiOM The website is beautiful, so calm and peaceful. It gives her bio, what services she offers and information about Reiki itself. She has also posted the Reiki Precept which is:
Just for today
I will not be angry
I will not worry
I will be grateful
I will do my work honestly
I will treat everyone/everything with kindness

What beautiful words, truly words to live by! Words that I truly needed to hear right then and there! Thank you Denise!

I said that this is a jammed packed Tuesday and that is so. We cannot forget our birthday shoutout!

Happy birthday Erich Segal who is 72 today.

We all know and love Mr. Segal's work. This is the man that brought us "Love Story". The template for the chic flick. And who doesn't choke up at the very words from the movie, the lesson of it all, "Love means never having to say your sorry." I am getting misty just writing it! lol

Erich Segal also wrote other great books including "Oliver's Story" which was the follow up to "Love Story" that also was made into a movie. He also wrote the screen play to the movie "Yellow Submarine." (But was he the Walrus?

Love Story is iconic and is a must see for anyone. In fact it is #9 on the American Film Institutes' list of all time romances. Here is something interesting, it was originally written as a screen play and shopped as such. When it was picked up, Erich Segal turned it into book form to boost the movies sales in the Valentine's season.

What made that movie so great was the musical score. So perfect, almost haunting in places, the score was a character of the movie itself. Here is a video clip of the song "Where Do I begin" by Andy Williams...

Are you all teary eyed? I am...again!

So Happy Birthday Mr. Segal and Thank You for many hours of heartbreaking enjoyment!

Wow! What a packed Tuesday! I am off to do...things! Have a great day!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Breaking Our own personal Rules!

Happy Monday To All!

Every person has their own rules. Things that we make up to keep our standards and ourselves in line. And we try not to break them because well it usually doesn't end well since we broke a rule.

Right now I cannot name all of things that are personal rules to me. We have discussed the whole white shoes what time of year situation. Hard and fast rule, no doubt. Another one that comes to mind right away is making public declarations. I rarely do, at least I try not make any public declarations. Especially for something I am going to do!

Well last week, I threw caution to the wind and declared right here on this very page that I would do a 10 day challenge. 10 new creations in 10 days and post them consistently. What was I thinking?

I originally approached the idea as a great motivator to get more work done. In theory this is perfect, but carried out is a way different matter!

So while I cannot ever say that I won't take part in a challenge, I am just not going to make it so public. Besides, it keeps the surprise element going with the blog!

Today we are honoring the anniversary of the birth of Waylon Jennings. He would have been 72 today.

He had a long and storied career, getting his start with many other greats like Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and the rest of old time Nashville. He was touring with Ritchie Valens and Buddy Holly and would have been on the plane that fateful day. He was also part of the Highwaymen, a group of singers that included Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash. Waylon was also a big part of the country singer/outlaw movement.

While he was always a name that I recognized, he was most famous to me for the song "Good Ole Boys" and as the narrator of the Dukes of Hazard TV Show. Additionally one song "Mommas Don't Let Your Babies Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys." it always seemed a little tongue in cheek to me, but then again what good song isn't? Here is the clip..

So Thank You Mr. Jennings for your contribution to the American landscape!

So that is all for now. Off to go do something, but I not saying what it is! lol

Have a great day!

PS. You can have the entries sent to your email when I post. Just sign up at the top right of the page. I know that the YouTube clips do not appear, but i will make note of that and you can always click over to see them. Sign up today!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Favorite Willy Wonka

Hello it is Thursday....

It has been sort of an odd week. Cannot put my finger on it, but odd. Now today, this afternoon, I am suffering from a case of the itchies. Do not quite know why. The kids came inside as they were trying to get their hover thing out of the tree and the mus have stepped in an area where the little brown ants are in the grass. Jonathan starts jumping around that he got bit and I killed an ant on his shoes and suddenly I start itching. Nice.

Today I am announcing my challenge. I challenge myself to complete 10 card designs in 10 days. The subject and type of card are up in the air, but I have to complete one a day. once I post them they will be available to purchase if you just love them!

Today we have a fun birthday, Gene Wilder. He is 76. He has been in many movies, a favorite of Mel Brooks and he also partnered with Richard Pryor on a few occasions. My favorite movie of his was "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". Here is a clip from that movie...

I loved the movie even now, though the OompaLoompas are still a bit creepy!

So happy birthday Mr. Wilder, you have given us many hours of entertainment!

Off to take a dose of benedryl, hope that does it!

Have a great day and look for the 1st day of the challenge tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It is a Big Day for Birthdays!!

Welcome one and all to Wednesday!

Today is a super birthday day!

First I would like to say Happy Birthday to my dear cousin Brenda. She is a real gem. A good friend, a good cousin, sister, daughter, aunt and so on. She is loving caring and always there to help when you need her. Brenda may your day be filled with happiness and many, many more lovely birthdays!

Here is Brenda with Allison at her college graduation.

And if this day wasn't filled with enough birthday joy, it is also the anniversary of the birth of Miss Frances Ethel Gumm. We know her as the iconic Judy Garland and today she would have been 87.

We all Judy Garland and love her as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. IF you watched old films you know her in the movies with Andy Rooney, the "Hey kids let's put on a show" movies that were great.

What never was really on my radar was the talent she really was especially after after you take the mentioned movies out of the picture. She was really great. And it is sad really you know that a lot of times when that greatness, that God given gift appears that most are so unable to cope that they end up self destructing from it. I think that there are lessons in everything and our lesson from Ms. Garland's life is love your gifts, embrace them knowing they are yours and no one can take that away from you!

I had a hard time narrowing down what to share with you today. First is a clip from the movie Summer Stock 1960

And because I am a huge fan of all three, her is a clip of Judy with Frank and Dean. No last names needed!

Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

School Out

It is Thursday and quite a day. It is the last day of school!

Our district does the last "official" day of school, the kids were there for a whole hour and back on the buses and back home. You would think that it costs more in fuel for the transportation than the district makes in state funding for this last day. But hey, what do I know?

So let us compare...Here is a shot of the kids on the first day of school last August.

And here are the kids now..Jacki

And Joey

They certainly have grown and matured in the last 10 months!

Now it is onto a summer of day camp, swimming lessons and of course dance. We might even fit a few day trips in there as well!

It is hard to believe that in two months and 15 days my babies will be in 7th and 4th grade!

So no birthday shout out today. But here is a fun clip. Alice Cooper "school's Out"!

Here is to a fun summer for everyone!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Soundtrack of Our Lives-Happy Birthday Marvin Hamlisch


Today is Tuesday and you know what that means. It's ROAK Day!!!! Hold a door, say hello, let someone in front of you in line. There is a certain amount of joy you will get from the response of the person that you do it for. It is hard to describe. And the best thing of all, you never know when it comes back to you!

Today is also Marvin Hamlisch's birthday. He is 65.

So now this is the time where you start to question the obscurity of my birthday picks. Born on this day were also Justin Long the "I Am A Mac" guy from the commericals, Zachary Quinto Spock from the latest Star Trek movie, Dana Carvey, you know the "Church Lady" from SNL and even Jerry Mathers "Beaver Cleaver." All of these folks would have been just as cool to mention in length and I might some other year, but I picked Marvin Hamlisch because he is part on the soundtrack to our lives. Even you young ones!

You see Marvin Hamlisch scored some of the most important movies and theatre productions in the last 40 years. A Chorus Line, The Way We Were, Ice Castles, The Spy Who Loved Me. It sounds crony to some but seriously, how many dance productions have there been of all or parts of A Chorus Line? How many times have you heard the song "What I Did For Love"? Did you know that it came from that musical as well? And what would the list of classic film romances be without Redford and Striesand in The Way We Were? Or any picture retrospect for that matter without the song "The Way We Were" palying in the background. All Marvin Hamlisch!

And while time marches on and technology makes things easier and more complicated that fact of the matter is it all begins with simple notes on a piano played by one of the greats like Mr. Hamlisch! Thank you and happy birthday!

So today it would be no fun without a clip and here we have another fave. Carly Simon with "Nobody Does It Better." This is from the movie "Spy Who Loved Me."

Have a great day!