Thursday, May 21, 2009

End of An Era... Happy Birthday Harold Robbins

Today marked the end of an era in our house. A short one, but an era none-the-less. Today Jonathan was officially finished with 3 year old Preschool!

To mark the occasion the morning and afternoon classes met together, played on the park district grounds, snacked together and after a final song (If You're Happy and You Know It-for the curious), each child was awarded their certificate of completion.

Here is Jonathan with his certificate!
So one year of preschool down, one year closer to college! lol

My other two finish school the first week of June. Stay tuned for the details.

Today's Birthday Shout out is the late great author Harold Robbins. Today is the 93rd anniversary of his birth.

I read my first Harold Robbins novel when I was a teenager. Always a good read, when I was younger I can certainly say that I got quite and education reading his books! lol

I was looking over his list of books and I remember some of them but now I know that I need a Harold Robbins refresher course!

I never knew that the movie "King Creole" starring Elvis was based on the novel "A Stone For Danny Fisher". Sort of cool.

So today I leave you with a clip of commercials from 1977. They are all sort of corny to watch, but at the 6:20 mark, there is a commercial for the Harold Robbins novel "Dreams Die First".

So, hunt your local library, your used book store or someone's book shelves and pick out a Harold Robbins novel, any Harold Robbins novel and enjoy a steamy good read! And please share, what is your favorite Harold Robbins novel? Looking forward to reading it in the comments!

On that note I leave you off to grocery shop. I am tired of the kids asking for more food! lol

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