I have fantastic dreams of having an online store and that will happen, but the reality is, I need to make a good living off of it as well and that just doesn't happen over night. I have to put lots of time in to nurturing my online venture, not just something thrown together. Alas, nothing of any significance was completed. I have put a few other irons in the fire creatively, but they are going to take a while to come to fruition. The reality was that I was so consumed with the fear that I would not make it and make a living that I found it very very hard to create. So I shifted my focus a bit and became an Avon Independent Sales Representative as my full time job and I actually dig it...a lot. I have even found a way to work some of my handmade items in with my Avon sales and suddenly I find myself wanting to create again!
So if you have come here to be directed to some beautiful handmade creations in my Artfire and Etsy stores, please be patient. I will fill the store with goodies, that I loved to make, not just stock to make ends meet. Two distinctly different things!
It is always interesting where God leads you and life takes you. My words Gratitude, determination, serenity, reflection and action all apply. They always will. They just have manifested themselves in another form entirely!
There is an even more involved story what brought me here, but that is for another day. I will go forward from here with a huge sigh of relief for the expectations that I set for myself can be obtained in another manner and I can be free to create and see they way I wanted, with a free heart!
Love you all!