Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Audrey Hepburn

Howdy Howdy Howdy

It is Monday! Everyone stand up and cheer. This means that all that crap that occured last week has washed away to a beautiful new week! Yea!

So what are we going to do this wonderful new week. Work, explore, take care of business. What ever we stinking want to!

So now that's out of the way.

I am working on graduation cards that will be available tomorrow. Here are all of the materials. I feel like the cooking show, here are all of the ingredients and let's she what she can cook up in just 15 minutes! They should be cool, I can see them in my head. lol

Today is Star Wars Day. "May the 4th be with you!"

Today is also the anniversary of the birth of Ms. Audrey Hepburn. She would have been 80 today.

I do not remember really any of her movies sadly, the clip of My Fair Lady seems familiar. And I know that she made the original movie Sabrina (which the remake is one of my favs). What stands out about Audrey Hepburn to me is class and a great sense of the importance of helping others. She was a world class humanitarian working with UNICEF and she blazed the trail for the likes of actors like Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie to get involved with matters other than Hollywood.

Here is clip from Roman Holiday that is very cute:

I think there is an Audrey Hepburn film festival in our future!

Well every one have a great day and

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